:Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal has announced that the subsidy on electricity bills in Delhi will now become optional. Delhi residents will have to choose whether or not they want to avail the subsidy to get free electricity till 200 units and 50% subsidy for up to 400 units a month. A new Voluntary Subsidy Scheme is announced and residents will have to apply for the subsidy to continue getting the benefits. The last day to apply for the optional subsidy
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday announced that subsidy on electricity bills will now be optional and available only for those who apply for it. Ending the automatic electricity subsidy, CM Kejriwal announced a phone number where consumers can give missed call for continuation of their power subsidy.
delhi electricity subsidy Scheme
Delhi Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal has announced that the subsidy on electricity bills in Delhi will now become optional. If your electricity subscription is with BSES then you can easily apply for the electricity Voluntary Subsidy Scheme through WhatsApp,
If your electricity subscription is with BSES then you can easily apply for the electricity Voluntary Subsidy Scheme through WhatsApp. It’s important to note that if you are staying in a rented accommodation and interested in availing the subsidy, then you will have to inform the owner to avail the subsidy. This is because the registered mobile number linked to the BSES website is required for applying for the subsidy.
Delhi Sarkar Bijli Subsidy Scheme
Name Of the scheme | delhi electricity subsidy apply online |
Who has taken scheme initiative? | Arvind Kejriwal in Delhi |
Target group of schemes | Financially unstable and underprivileged groups |
Units for electricity consumption for zero bill | Up to 200 unit |
Financial assistance offered by Delhi government | Rupees 3250 for allotment of the scheme |
Reason for the subsidy scheme | Help the financially unstable citizens |
Initiative to be taken from | Power department of Delhi |
Forming of task force | 20-member task force |
delhi electricity subsidy scheme New Updated
Under the scheme, consumers who use less than 200 units of power per month do not get charged any money at all in their bill. If you use more than 200 units, a bill is generated for all the units used, and not on consumption over 200 units. Those who use up to 400 units get a subsidy of 50% up to Rs 800.
Within only a couple of days, about 6 lakh consumers chose to receive power subsidies in Delhi. According to the Chief Minister, power subsidies will be optional as of October 1; anyone who is interested should telephone or Whatsapp the provided phone number. Since chief minister Arvind Kejriwal initiated the subsidy initiative for residents of Delhi on September 14, more than 11,600 people have opted in for power subsidies in Delhi, which are now optional. They have done so through both online and offline channels. On Friday evening, almost 6.15 lakh consumers filled out the papers to continue receiving subsidies for using less electricity.
From October 1, the automatic subsidy on electricity consumed up to 200 and 400 units will end and only those who opt for the subsidy by end of September will be able to continue getting it.
Delhi Electricity Subsidy Scheme Objectives
The objective of the scheme is to provide an option for subsidy for the citizens of Delhi. Some wanted this benefit, and some did not want this plan. In previous; this was mandatory for all to opt for subsidies but now it’s made optional. It was the desire of a segment of the population that the electricity subsidy should not be mandatory and that people should be given a choice.
electricity subsidy in delhi 2024 form
The government says that “earlier, people saw frequent power cuts in Delhi but by working very hard, we have made the electricity system better. Now almost everywhere electricity is available 24 hours a day. We have saved a lot of government money by stopping the leakage of electricity by eliminating corruption, that is why we have provided free electricity to the people, this has been possible only because of the hardline honest government. There are total 58 lakh domestic customers in Delhi, out of which 47 lakh get subsidy. Out of this, there are 30 lakh people whose electricity bills are zero. While the bills of 16-17 lakh people come half. Electricity up to 200 units is free, while up to 200-400 units, the electricity bill comes to half”.
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Some People Don’t Want to give Electricity Bill
There is a demand of some people that if we can give electricity bill then why are we being given subsidy forcibly. Because of this, a few months ago, the government had decided to give subsidy only to those who would apply for it. We had said that by September 30, this subsidy would be given to the people. After October 1, the subsidy will be given to those people who will apply for it. The Chief Minister said that for taking subsidy, we have decided to give a form along with the next electricity bill, through which people can apply.
Delhi Electricity Subsidy Scheme Benefits
The government has finally complied with the wishes of the majority and made a beneficial decision in their support. This idea has some benefits and some key features, which are listed below:
- As the state government is not now trying to forcefully pressurize citizens of the state by applying for subsidies. Giving them an option, it creates an atmosphere of harmony and democracy intact.
- Can avail of the service through mobile contact, WhatsApp, or SMS.
- Delhi’s domestic electricity users receive two subsidies. Up to 200 units each month are free (there are 3,039,766 such consumers at the moment). 201-400 unit users get 800 in subsidies (there are 1,659,976 such consumers).
Delhi Electricity Subsidy Scheme Eligibility
To be eligible under the scheme, an applicant must be:
- Citizen of India and resident of Delhi
- Must have a registered connection in the electricity department.
electricity subsidy in delhi 2024 apply online
To get Delhi electricity bill subsidy from the government, the applicant needs to have WhatsApp and access to the registered mobile number.
>>Add this contact number: 7011311111 on WhatsApp
>>Say “Hi” to 7011311111 on WhatsApp
>>Give a missed call on 7011311111
>>Scan the QR code on the subsidy form attached with your latest BSES bill
>>Click the SMS link received on your registered mobile number with BSES
>>After doing this, you will get a message confirming that the subsidy is active on your electricity bill.
Alternatively, this can be done offline as well. to avail the subsidy, residents can walk-in to their respective BRPL/BYPL division office with the subsidy form enclosed with the latest electricity bill.
How to get subsidy on electricity bill in Delhi online?
Step 1: Add 7011311111 on WhatsApp. Step 2: Give a missed call on 7011311111 from your registered mobile number or simply send ‘Hi’. Step 3: You will receive an opt-in form on WhatsApp asking you to provide your CA Number.
How to apply subsidy bses Delhi?
Consumers will have to submit the forms at the zonal offices of their respective discoms if they wish to avail the subsidy. In case of non-submission of the form, it will be assumed that the consumer is willing to forego the subsidy and from October 1, will be charged as per the applicable rates, the official said.
How to opt for free electricity in Delhi?
Power consumers in Delhi can give a missed call on 7011311111 to opt for the subsidy from September 14. They can give a missed call on 7011311111 whereby they will get a form on WhatsApp that they can fill up to apply for subsidy.
What is subsidy in electricity bill in Delhi?
At present, those whose power consumption is less than 200 units do not have to pay any electricity charges. Those whose consumption is up to 400 units get a 50% subsidy, up to Rs 800. The Delhi government has now made it mandatory for people to opt in for the subsidy to continue getting the benefits.