hsrp odisha online registration|www siam in hsrp odisha online|siam hsrp odisha login|sams odisha.gov.in|high security number plate online apply odisha:In a notification, Odisha State Transport Authority stated that the vehicle owners will be given at least 3 months time from the date of issue of the order to fix HSRP on old vehicles. It has set different deadlines for vehicles as per their registration number which has created a confusion among the vehicle owners.The Odisha government has made affixation of high-security registration plates (HSRPs) mandatory for all classes of vehicles which were registered prior to April 1, 2019.The HRPS has already been made mandatory for all new vehicles registered on or after April 1, 2019, in the state.Odisha Transport Commissioner Arun Bothra has issued an order for this purpose in accordance with Rule 50 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989.
Odisha Government issued guidelines for affixation of High Security Registration Plates (HSRP) on old vehicles for transparency in traffic management system.As per the notification issued by Odisha State Transport Authority, the vehicle owners will be given at least 3 months time from the date of issue of this order to fix the HSRP on old vehicles before enforcement is undertaken by the Transport Department or police officials.
HSRP Odisha Online Registration
The government of India has made a new rule to paste an HSRP Number Plate on old and new vehicles running in the country. The MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT & HIGHWAYS has made it strict to increase the security of vehicles in India. To make this easier the government of India have made a new way for all the old and new vehicles running in India to paster the HSRP Number Plate on their vehicle. The vehicle will be made more secure after pasting the HSRP Number plate as it comes with the locator and sensors in it.
The High Security Number Plate Odisha Registration 2022 Apply Online Process has begun at the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) and the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways of India Portal. All Types of Vehicle Owners can Apply Online For Odisha High Security Number Plate Registration 2022. HSRP Registration 2022 Application Form Fee has been designed and High Security Number Plate Price List 2022 is given below. Check HSRP Online Registration 2022 www.siam.in Apply Online Form Here.
high security number plate online apply odisha
Name of Plate | High Security Number Plate Odisha |
Plate Price | Rs. 400 For Two Wheeler Vehicles Rs. 1100 For Four Wheeler Vehicles |
Plate Second Name | HSRP Number Plate |
Made For | All Two Wheel and Four Wheel Vehicles |
Plate Applying Mode | Online, Offline |
Plate Made For | Old & New Vehicles |
Hsrp Number Plate Odisha New Updated
The central government has made it mandatory for motor vehicles to have high-security license plates on all vehicles. The state government has also tightened the rules.Hence, all new and old vehicles are now required to use high-security number plates.Notably, vehicle owners have been given three months’ time to fix the HSRP on old vehicles before enforcement is undertaken by the transport department and police officials.Different deadlines have been set for vehicles as per their registration number.
High Security Registration Plate (HSRP) on vehicles in Odisha ending on September 30, 2022, the State Transport Authority (STA) has geared up to impose penalty on the violators from October 1, 2022, official sources said today.Driving HSRP-less vehicles having registration number ending with 1, 2, 3 and 4 can attract a fine of Rs 5,000 or Rs 10,000 from the aforementioned date.
Following guidelines are to be adhered regarding affixation of HSRP on old vehicles:
1. HSRP would be affixed by the vehicle manufacturers (OEMs) and their authorised dealers only. Only the HSRP vendor authorised by the vehicle manufacturers (OEMs) shall supply the HSRPs only to their authorised dealers. Affixation of HSRP on old vehicles shall be carried by authorised dealers of OEMs.
2. The vehicle owner shall book for fitment of HSRP and make payment for the purpose through online portal authorised by the OEM to maintain the transparency and to prevent excess charging from the vehicle owners. The portal authorised by the OEMs shall offer the facility to the vehicle owner for selection of any dealer, location and date for affixing of HSRP as per his convenience.
3. The portal authorised by the OEM shall have the capability to inform the vehicle owner status of the order placed for fitment of HSRP through SMS.
4. The OEMs or its authorized dealers shall display board at a conspicuous place at their showroom indicating charges to be paid by the vehicle owner for affixation of HSRP and also on the HSRP portal to maintain transparency at all times.
5. The OEMs or its authorised vendor/dealer may offer the services to the vehicle owners for fitment of the HSRP where the owner resides or has his place of business on payment of extra charges subject to willingness of the vehicle owner.
6. The OEMs or its authorised dealers after affixing the HSRP on the vehicle shall ensure that the laser code is updated in VAHAN portal.
7. The vehicle not having valid Registration Certificate and Fitness Certificate (for Transport Vehicle) and the vehicle having arrear tax due shall not be allowed to affix HSRP by OEMs or its authorised dealers. The OEMs shall customize their portal accordingly.
Timeline for affixing hsrp number plate odisha
A. For all class of vehicles registered prior to April 1, 2019, the vehicle owners shall have to take necessary steps to get the HSRP affixed on their vehicle as per timeline given below.

B. No e-challan shall be issued and no fine shall be collected or no penal action shall be taken against any old vehicle registered prior ro April 1, 2019 for plying vehicles without HSRP till August 31, 2022. After that challans will be issued in accordance with the last date given in the para A above for various series of vehicle.
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However, to avoid last minute rush, vehicle owners should be encouraged/ sensitised to affix HSRP on their vehicles as soon as possible but not later than the above schedule. In case the vehicle is not affixed with HSRP within scheduled date mentioned above, e-challan shall be issued against the offending vehicle and attract fine of Rs 5,000 or Rs 10,000 under section 192 of MV Act, 1988 as the case may be.
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C. Legal action shall be initiated against dealers/any other person found to be selling and supplying HSRPs in the State without being authorised by the OEMs.
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All regional Transports Officers are instructed to comply with the above order to ensure that HSRP are fitted on all motor vehicles prior to April 1, 2019 in a seamless manner. They are directed to convene meeting with the all dealers functioning under their jurisdiction to senstitise them about the modalities for fitment of HSRP on old vehicles within the scheduled date.
Odisha Balaram Yojana 2022- Apply Online
HSRP Odisha Online Registration @ sams odisha.gov.in
- Applicants have to Very First Visit the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) Portal
- Home Page Check all the Details of High Security Number Plate 2022 Registration Booking.
- Now Click on Book HSRP at the Top Corner.
- In the new tab, the Registration Page will Open.
- Enter All the Details asked with Vehicles Registration ID Details.
- Now Upload the Scanned Documents Asked By HSRP.
- Click on Book HSRP Now At Last Here.
- Make the Online Payment as per asked by the Odisha Government.
- Save and Take the Hard Copy of the HSRP Application Form and Payment Receipt For Further Use.
How can I get HSRP number plate in Odisha?
The government started HSRP Odisha Registration from 1st June 2022. All the owners can apply online for SIAM HSRP Odisha Registration through official website www.siam.in & odishatransport.gov.in.
Is HSRP mandatory in Odisha?
How can I get HSRP number plate in Odisha?
The government started HSRP Odisha Registration from 1st June 2022. All the owners can apply online for SIAM HSRP Odisha Registration through official website www.siam.in & odishatransport.gov.in.
Is HSRP mandatory for old vehicles in Odisha?
Odisha govt makes High Security Registration Plates mandatory for all old vehicles now. The State Transport Authority has given a three months time period to vehicle owners to fix the HSRPs on old vehicles before enforcement is undertaken by the Transport Department and State Police
dear sir thoo much time i am visit your site for number plate registration but no slot available so what i do…..
Make hefty slots available