
Rashtriya Uchchatar 1000 Rupees Scheme

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rashtriya uchchatar shiksha abhiyan:The Ministry of Education has approved the continuation of the Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) scheme till 31st March 2026 with an expenditure of 12,929.16 crores. The new phase of the scheme would support around 1,600 projects. Out of Rs 12,929.16 crores of expenditure, the centre will share Rs 8,120.97 crores, and the state will share Rs 4,808.19 crores.The allocation for higher education had dropped from Rs 38,350 in 2021-22 to Rs 36, 031.57 crore in the revised budget.

The budget for the centre’s ambitious project Higher Education Funding Agency, or HEFA has been reduced to a negligible sum of 1 lakh. The project has seen massive cuts since 2021 when it was allocated only Rs 1 crore.The total outlay for the education sector in 2021-22 was 93, 224.31 crore which has been increased to Rs 1,04,277.72 crores for the upcoming fiscal year. The education budget saw an increase of Rs 11,053.41 crore in total outlay for the two departments of the ministry of education.

rashtriya uchchatar 1000 rupees scheme

Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan was launched in 2013. It is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme to provide funding to state government universities and colleges. Its main objective is to improve the quality of state institutions and ensure reform in affiliation, academic, and examination systems.

In her fourth Budget Speech 2022 in Parliament, Sitharaman also announced that a digital university will be set up based on the hub and spoke model to provide access to students for “world-class quality education”. To be built on ISTE standards, the digital university will provide personalised learning in regional languages. The ISTE are standards for the use of technology in teaching and learning. This university will function in collaboration with other public universities in India.

The finance minister also announced that world-class universities will be allowed to establish campuses in India, without following local regulations. International Arbitration Centre will also be set up in Gujarat International Finance Tec-City, or GIFT city

Further, states will be encouraged to revise the syllabus of agricultural universities to meet the needs of natural, zero-budget & organic farming, modern-day agriculture, said Sitharaman.

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rashtriya uchchatar shiksha abhiyan

Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA), a Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) is an overarching scheme, operating in mission mode for funding the state government universities and colleges to achieve the aims of equity, access and excellence.

New phase of RUSA targets to reach out the unserved, underserved areas; remote/ rural areas; difficult geographies; LWE areas; NER; aspirational districts, tier-2 cities,  areas with low GER etc., and to benefit the most disadvantaged areas and SEDGs.

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The new phase of the scheme has been designed to implement some of the recommendations and aims of the New Education Policy, which suggests some key changes to the current higher education system to revamp and re-energize it and thereby deliver quality higher education, with equity and inclusion.

Under the new phase of the scheme, State Governments will be supported for Gender inclusion, Equity Initiatives, ICT, Enhancing employability through vocationalisation & skill upgradation. States will also be supported for creation of new Model Degree Colleges. State Universities will be supported for Multi-Disciplinary Education and Research. Grants will be provided for strengthening both accredited and non-accredited Universities and Colleges for undertaking various activities including teaching-learning in Indian languages.