
TN ADTW @ tnadtwschoarship tn .gov .in

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The TN ADTW Scholarship is a need-based scholarship awarded to Tennessee residents who demonstrate financial need and are enrolled in an accredited postsecondary institution. The scholarship is renewable for up to four years of undergraduate study, as long as the recipient continues to meet the eligibility criteria.The State Government of Tamilnadu has launched the ADW Scholarship for providing financial help and support to students belonging to minority communities so that they will also be able to enjoy and avail the same educational opportunities as the other students may take. The students can apply online for this scholarship before the date of 15th March 2025.

The Government of Tamil Nadu announces ADW Scholarship for the minority classes people. The Majority of the Adi Dravidar / Tribal Population are economically backward and socially marginalized. Most of the Families lack resources and access to education, employment and other income earning opportunities are limited. So, this Government Welfare Scholarship Programme helps in socio-economic and educational development of the Adi Dravidars and Tribals in the State.

TN ADTW Scholarship

The Adi Dravidar & Tribal Welfare Department (ADTW) is the official authority that provides the TN E-District Scholarship to underprivileged students of the state of Tamil Nadu. Also, the state of Tamil Nadu boasts of 100% percent GER (Gross Enrollment Ratio). Therefore, the students who belong to the backward castes & minority classes also have quality education. This is possible due to the fact that the Tamil Nadu Central & State Government provides TN E Scholarship 2025 schemes to poor yet meritorious students.

Furthermore, in order to apply via an online portal for the TN E District Scholarship For SC, ADTW & Minority, the candidates must primarily check the eligibility criteria & then fill up the online application form. Subsequently, the deserving students will be sanctioned for the TN SC Scholarship Amount. For more details regarding the TN Scholarship , the candidates must keep on reading the article.

tnadtwschoarship tn .gov .in

Name Of The ScholarshipTN ADTW Scholarship
Known as Adi Dravidar & Tribal Welfare Scholarship
Launched ByState Government of Tamilnadu 
Delegated StateTamilnadu (TN)
Delegated Ministry Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology 
Allocated Portal Tamilnadu e-District Portal 

CM Trophy 2023 Registration 

TN ADTW Required Documents

  • Income certificate
  • Bank account details
  • Recent Passport size photograph
  • Mark sheets
  • Address proof: PAN card, Voter ID card, Ration card, etc
  • Community certificate
  • Fee receipts paid by students
  • An affidavit of self-declaration income certificate in the Non-Judicial stamp paper

TNEB Aadhaar Link Online Status

tnadtwscholarship gov in Eligibility Criteria

The candidates who will wish to apply for the TN Scholarship must primarily check the eligibility criteria. Any ineligible candidate will not be sanctioned any scholarship reward/amount. Therefore, the candidates must carefully check the eligibility before applying. Also, the eligibility criteria differ for different TN E District SC Scholarships Portals. However, the common condition is that the candidate must have a domicile of the State of Tamil Nadu. Furthermore, in order to help the candidates, we have provided the TN Scholarship Criteria. Check further below.

Scholarship NameEligibility Criteria
Scholarship To Son & Daughter Of Differently Abled Persons, Tamil NaduIn order to apply for this scholarship, the candidate must be a differently-abled person. Also, they must have an identity card issued by the Welfare Board Of Differently Abled.Furthermore, the students studying in class 11th till Postgraduate level ( including ITI/Polytechnic Diploma course) can apply for this scholarship.
Scholarship For Differently Abled Students From Class 9th Onwards, Tamil NaduThe differently-abled students studying in class 9th till postgraduate level (including vocational, professional, medical & engineering courses) can apply for this scholarship.Also, the candidate must have obtained at least 40% marks in their last qualifying exam.
Scholarship For Differently Abled Students Towards Purchase Of Books & Note Books, Tamil NaduThis scholarship is for differently-abled students only.Also, they must be studying in class from 1st to 8th.
R.I.M.C Dehradun Scholarship, Tamil NaduThe students who are studying in Rashtriya Indian Military College, Dehradun can apply for this scholarship.
Deceased Government Servants Scholarship, Tamil NaduThe candidates who are the wards of deceased government servants who died in harness can apply for this scholarship.
Ph.D. Scholarship, Tamil NaduIn order to apply for this scholarship, the candidate must be studying in the first year, second year or third year of full-time Ph.D. research from a government or government-aided college of arts & science.However, Note, the students having M.Phil qualification must be studying in the first or second year of the Ph.D. course.Also, the candidate must have secured 60% in their postgraduate.Furthermore, the candidates who are doing a part-time course or are in receipt of any other scholarship can not apply for this scholarship.
EVR Nagammai Scholarship, Tamil NaduThis scholarship is for the girl student who is pursuing a postgraduate degree course in Arts & Science from a recognized college in Tamil Nadu.
Free Education Schemes For BC, MBC & DNC Students, Tamil NaduIn order to apply for this scholarship, the candidate must belong to the BC/MBC/DNC category. Also, they must be pursuing a 3-year degree or a polytechnic diploma course, or a professional degree course.Furthermore, the annual income of the family must not be more than INR 50,000.
Incentive Scheme For Rural MBC/DNC Girl Students, Tamil NaduThis scholarship scheme is for the rural girl who belongs to the MBC/DNC category. Also, she must be studying in class 3rd to 6th.Furthermore, the annual income of the candidate’s family must not exceed INR 25,000.
Thanthai Periyar Memorial Award, Tamil NaduThe top two boys & two girls of each district in Tamil Nadu, who also have secured highest marks in class 10th & are also pursuing a professional degree course such as Medical, Engineering, Law, etc can apply for this scholarship.Also, this scholarship scheme is open for the BC/MBC/DNC students.
Perarignar Anna Memorial Award, Tamil NaduThe top two boys & two girls of each district in Tamil Nadu, who also have secured the highest marks in class 12th & are also pursuing a professional degree course such as Medical, Engineering, Law, etc can apply for this scholarship.Also, this scholarship scheme is open for the BC/MBC/DNC students.
Vidyadhan Scholarship ProgramThis scholarship is for the residents of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala & Telangana.Also, in order to get this scholarship, the candidates must have passed out of class 10th/SSLC from the above-mentioned statesMoreover, the annual income of the family must not exceed INR 2 Lakh.
National Talent Search Exam NTSEThe students who are studying in class 10th can apply for this scholarship.However, note, the students who are pursuing their education via open school pr distance learning can apply for this scholarship, if they are below age 18.

Tamil Nadu New Electricity Tariff

List of Covered Scholarships

The lists of covered scholarships are as follows:-

Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department -Hostels – Special GuidesAdi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department -Incentive / Award of Prizes –Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department -Incentive / Award of Prizes
Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department -Scholarship – Free Education upto 12th Std.Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department -Scholarship – Public Examination fee for 10th and 12th Std.Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department – Stationary – Text Books
Admission of Adi Dravidar / Tribal students in plusone at reputed schools Afforestation schemes providing incentives and providing employment to Tribals in Forest OperationAll India Service Examinations like I.A.S., I.P.S., I.R.S., etc.
Animal HusbandryAnnual Gandhi Memorial AwardAnnual Gandhi Memorial Award – Two (One Boy and One Girl) Hindu AD Students in each district who have secured first rank in the 12th Std Public Examinations and continue their studies.
Assistance for Funeral RitesAssistance to Lawyers for Starting their PracticeAward of Rs.20,000/- to Best Writers
Awards to Bright StudentsBook bankBook Bank
Burial GroundChief Minister Merit AwardChief Minister s Merit Award
Community HallsConstruction of free houses for tribals 

Subsidiary Scholarship Initiatives

The details of subsidiary scholarship initiatives are as follows:-

ScholarshipForm of BenefitBeneficiariesAmount of Benefit
Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department -Hostels – Special GuidesHostel facilities will be provided to the Warden/ Matron of the hostelStudents of class 12thHostel Facilities
Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department -Incentive / Award of PrizesPrizes will be provided to one boy and one girl from the minority communityStudents securing 1st and 2nd division or ranks in the class 10th examination1st Prize = Rs. 1,000/-

2nd Prize = Rs. 500/-

3rd Prize = Rs. 300/-
Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department -Incentive / Award of PrizesStudents of Chennai will be awarded the prizesStudents from Adi Dravidar/Tribal/Adi Dravider converted to Christianity for each subjectPrize
Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department -Scholarship – Free Education upto 12th Std.Fee reimbursement will be provided to the students belonging to minority communitiesStudents of class 12th Fee Reimbursement or Free Education
Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department -Scholarship – Public Examination fee for 10th and 12th Std.Scholarships will be provided to the students for carrying out examinationsStudents of classes 10th and 12th Reimbursement of Examination Fee
Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department – Stationary – Text BooksFree textbooks will be provided to the school-going studentsStudents of classes from 1st to 12th Free Textbooks
Admission of Adi Dravidar / Tribal students in plus one at reputed schools Admissions will be provided to the outstanding SC/ST students to the reputed schools of TamilnaduStudents of class 10th Admissions to private reputed schools
Afforestation schemes providing incentives and providing employment to Tribals in Forest OperationEmployment will be provided to the tribal communitiesST CommunitiesEmployment in Trible Forest Areas
All India Service Examinations like I.A.S., I.P.S., I.R.S., etc.Scholarship advantages will be provided to the students preparing for CSEStudents preparing for IAS, IPS, IRSBoarding Allowance
Lodging Allowance Coaching Allowance
Animal HusbandrySheep Units, Milch animals, and calves will be sold at the subsidized ratesSC or ST communitiesSelling of sheep Units, Milch animals and Calves at 50% to 75% subsidized rates
Annual Gandhi Memorial AwardPrizes will be given to first-rank holders from each district of TamilnaduHindu Adi Dravidar community Students securing 1st ranksRs. 2,000/-

Rs. 5,000/- (For Succeding 5 years)
Annual Gandhi Memorial Award – Two (One Boy and One Girl) Hindu AD Students in each district who have secured first rank in the 12th Std Public Examinations and continue their studies.Scholarship incentives will be provided to one girl and boy securing 1st ranksStudents securing 1st ranks in class 12th examinationPrizes
Assistance for Funeral RitesFuneral assistance will be provided or given to SC or ST communitiesPoor AD or Tribal FamiliesRs. 500/-
Assistance to Lawyers for Starting their PracticeFinancial assistance will be provided to the students for practicing their law fieldAdi Dravidar/ Tribal LawyersFinancial Assistance
Award of Rs.20,000/- to Best WritersAwards will be provided or given to the 10 best writersBest Writers from Adi Dravidar / Tribal / Adi Dravidar converted to ChristianityRs. 20,000/- (Award)
Awards to Bright StudentsAwards will be given to 2 boys and 2 girls from each district will be providedStudents belonging to the communities of Adi Dravidar/ Tribal / Adi Dravidar Converted to Christianity and has passed the class 10th examinationAwards
Book bankBooks will be lent to the students for borrowing in the form of a libraryStudents undertaking Medical/ Engineering/ Law / M.B.A./Veterinary / Agri. And Polytechnic coursesBooks Borrowing for studying
Book BankOne set of books will be provided to every 2 students from AD/Tribal communitiesStudents undertaking Medical/ Engineering/ Law / M.B.A./Veterinary / Agri. and Polytechnic coursesBooks Borrowing for studying
Burial GroundBurial ground facilities will be provided to the SC or ST communitiesAD/Tribal habitation without the burial groundBurial Ground Facilities
Chief Minister Merit Award1000 girls and 1000 boys will be given the awards on the basis of merit recordsStudents belonging to di Dravidar, Tribal and Adi Dravidar converted to Christianity communitiesRs. 3,000/- Per Annum
Chief Minister s Merit AwardAwards will be provided to the 1000 girls and 1000 boys on a merit basisStudents who have passed the class 12th  examinationRs. 1500/- Per Annum
Community HallsMarriage facilities will be providedSC or ST communitiesConstruction of Community Halls
Construction of free houses for tribalsHome living facilities will be provided to the tribal communitiesST communitiesConstruction of free houses

adi dravidar scholarship Date

Event Date 
Starting Date to Apply 6th January 2025
Last Date to Apply 15th March 2025
Renewal Application 15th March 2025
HOD Level Process 15th March 2025

How To Apply Online For TN ADTW – Application Process

All the eligible students who wants to apply online for ADW Scholarship have to submit all the required details correctly in the application form. Follow the given below steps to submit scholarship form in correct way.

  • First of all you have to open the official website of ADW Scholarship i.e
  • Now you have to select “Type of Scholarship” such as.
    • BC, MBC Scholarship
    • Adi Davidar Tribal Welfare Scholarship
    • Adi Davidar and Tribal Scholarship for HSC/ITI
  • After that you have to click on “New Registration”.
  • And fill all the required details very carefully & correctly.
  • Now upload all the required documents and check all the details.
  • At last submit your application form.

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