
Makkaludan Mudhalvar Scheme Apply:Camp Schedule From

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Chief Minister Stalin is taking various measures to make government services in Tamil Nadu easier and faster for the public. In that way, once he assumes power, to resolve the petitions received during his election campaign, “Chief Minister in your constituency” He created a department and resolved all the petitions within 100 days.

As a result, the “Chief Minister’s Address Department” He ordered the creation of a separate department. Through this, about 49 lakh petitions have been received in the last two and a half years and they are being resolved in a proper manner.

In addition, Chief Minister Stalin directly visited the districts and called the “Field Survey Chief Minister”. Under the initiative, he is conducting research meetings in the districts, conducting field surveys and taking steps to ensure that the welfare schemes and services of the government are available to the general public within a specified period.

makkaludan mudhalvar scheme

As an extension of this initiative of the Chief Minister, to further refine the services provided by government officials to the public who access government departments on a daily basis, to make government services accessible to them quickly and easily, and to establish transparency in administration, another milestone of the Dravida model of governance is the “Chief Minister with People” The new scheme will be launched by Chief Minister Stalin on 18-12-2023 at Coimbatore.

“Prime Minister with People”‘ In this scheme, the Public Access to Revenue and Disaster Management Department, Municipal Administration Department, Rural Development Department, Adi Dravidian Welfare Department, Backward Most Backward and Minorities Welfare Department, Social Welfare Department, Disabled Persons Welfare Department, Cooperatives Department, Women Development Corporation, Housing and Urban Development Department, Energy Department It is proposed to conduct special camps in all urban and rural local bodies at the ward and village panchayat level in all districts under the direct supervision of the Chief Minister to receive requests from government departments such as Labor Welfare and Skill Development Department, Small, Small and Medium Enterprises.

Details in Key Highlights Tamil Nadu Makkaludan Mudhalvar Scheme

Name of the schemeMakkaludan Muthalvar Scheme
Launched ByTamil Nadu government
Introduced ByChief Minister of Tamil Nadu Mr. M. K. Stalin
BeneficiariesPeople of Tamil Nadu
BenefitSolve grievance related to 13 departments
ObjectiveTo solve grievances of people
Scheme LevelState Level

Under the scheme that helps people get solutions for their issues from 13 departments including housing and urban development, district administration, municipal administration and disaster management, people can submit petitions related to power, water and UGSS connection, change of name in documents, land transfer, heir, community, birth and death certificates, house plan approval, tax, commercial licence, solid waste management, identity card for street vendors, rural development, Adi Dravidar Welfare, differently abled welfare, labour and MSME

Makkaludan Mudhalvar Scheme Camp schedule

In the first phase, 1745 camps will be conducted from December 18 to January 6 in all the corporations, municipalities, townships and village panchayats adjacent to the urban areas. These camps will be conducted in other districts except the 4 cyclone-affected districts. After the completion of the relief work in the flood-affected areas of Chennai, Kanchipuram, Chengalpattu and Tiruvallur districts, January 2024 From the first week of the month to January 31, special camps will be conducted for the “People with Chief Minister” program. In the first phase, after the completion of the camps conducted in urban areas, the next phase will be used to conduct these camps in the rural areas of all the districts.

In these camps all concerned departmental officers will receive and register the demands of the people under one umbrella. All the petitions received in the camps will be duly considered by the concerned departments within 30 days and appropriate services will be provided to the people based on their merit. At the same time that the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu will launch this program in Coimbatore, the Ministers will launch these camps in their respective districts and the responsible Ministers in the districts assigned to them. Members of parliament, assembly members, representatives of local bodies and others will participate in these camps.

It has been informed that Chief Minister M.K.Stalin has ordered that the public should use these camps in a good manner and get appropriate services, and departmental officials will consider the requests with care and resolve the legally required assistance without any delay in a quick and easy manner.

Tamil Nadu Makkaludan Muthalvar Scheme Features & Benefits

  • The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu state M.K Stalin will launch the Makkaludan Muthalvar Scheme.
  • The CM will launch this scheme in Coimbatore on 18th December & soon this scheme will be started.
  • Under this scheme, special camps will be held in urban and rural local bodies to redress grievances relating to 13 departments.
  • Ministers will inaugurate the camps in their respective districts & towns.
  • In the first phase of this scheme (between December 18, 2023, and January 6, 2024) as many as 1,745 special camps will be organized in all districts except in the four affected by Michaung.
  • The grievances were redressed within 100 days, as per the government announcement.
  • On the official website of the MakkaludanMuthalvar Scheme, the 13 key departments would register the people’s grievances on the spot at the camps and petitions.
  • This scheme will bring officials of all the departments under one roof to register grievances and representations.      
  • After announcement of this scheme, citizens are very happy as their grievances will be resolved quickly.

Makkaludan mudhalvan portal